Thank you for Joining Our Wine Club
Dear friends,
Firstly, let me express my sincere thanks for joining our Wine Club.
When Trish and I first began Painted Rock, our intention was to create a generational family business. With this as our goal, we knew we needed to make tough decisions, and no compromises, in order to build the loyalty that a family business needs to sustain itself for generations.
The loyalty you have shown us by joining our ‘club’ is something so important to both Painted Rock and our family. Our goal when we created this community was just that – the creation of a community. One engaged in our journey, participating in our progress and learning along side us about our terroir and the potential of the Okanagan Valley as an international wine region.
We have just completed our 10th harvest and I look forward to sharing these upcoming vintages with all of you. With each vintage, new opportunities arise and my commitment to each of you as members is that you will always have first access. In 2013, we produced our first ever small lot Cabernet Franc. This vintage we had the chance to do an even smaller lot of our Malbec and some new large formats of our 2014 Red Icon. Who knows…maybe I will be able to hide a barrel of Petit Verdot from our consultant Alain next year and I will finally get my small lot of that! [Editors note bymy daughter: Our Red Icon will always be our primary focus – he is not allowed to steal barrels of Petit Verdot, please don’t encourage him.]
All this said, welcome to our journey. We have a magnificent opportunity to help raise the bar of Canadian wines and genuinely appreciate your participation and feedback. Now that Trish and I have made the move to the Okanagan a full-time one, I am usually nearby the winery and with notice am happy to take club members into the cellar to taste what we have in barrel. While I have enormous confidence in our Bordeaux Consultant Alain Sutre, and our vineyard/winery teams led by Barry and Gabe, I am all ears during our barrel tastings and always love to hear your feedback.
Thank you for another wonderful year of wine club participation!